We are so excited to introduce to everyone the newest member of our team.....
Miss Emily Cioffi !!!!
Miss Emily Cioffi !!!!
Emily joins One Hip World as our official 5K Coordinator/Advisor....
Emily has endured an unbelievable battle with hip dysplasia. Not being diagnosed until she was 17 years old, she has undergone 8 surgeries in the past 4 years. She is now 22 and is (only for now, because we are claiming great things for her) reliant on her wheelchair.
Emily has endured an unbelievable battle with hip dysplasia. Not being diagnosed until she was 17 years old, she has undergone 8 surgeries in the past 4 years. She is now 22 and is (only for now, because we are claiming great things for her) reliant on her wheelchair.
Emily is determined to help herself and others in this ongoing battle against hip dysplasia, and she has both a smile and a spirit that will warm your heart !
Emily has put together the First Annual Hip Hop 5K Run for Hip Dysplasia to take place on August 24th 2013 in Easton, MA
We will be posting all of the information as well as the link for the Hip Hop 5K in our next post !!!!
If you'd like to organize a Hip Hop 5K in your area, let Emily help get your started and guide you through the process ....she's pretty amazing that way !!! ;)
For more information, please email us at: onehipworld@yahoo.com
Together we can.......together we will !!!!! <3
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