Thursday, May 8, 2014

Silent Courage by Mary Byrne Eigel

Silent Courage
by Mary Byrne Eigel

From our new friend, and life-long hip dysplasia "warrior", Mary Byrne Eigel comes the amazing story of her fight !!! Mary has given us all a gift, as she not only allows us a look into her world as she fights hd from childhood, but at the same time, she illuminates that which needs to be seen from the fighter's perspective! Mary manages to inspire her readers to know and believe that they too have things to share and they should do so !!  While it is Mary's story and tells of her fight with hd and chronic pain, we believe that anyone and everyone who has contended with any battle can benefit from her story !! We completely and totally enjoyed this book and we TRULY recommend it to everyone !!!!! Go show some love and support, not only to Mary who had the courage to share, but to yourselves in the gift you will receive from her heart !!! 

To read more about Mary, please, visit her blog:

Congratulations, Mary for the
 love and courage you have shown !!!
We are proud of you, and together, we are
 One Hip World !!

Together we can.....together we will !

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting this, Gina! What a great write up on a courageous gal. (That gal being my mother and all!) We are honored to join the fight and hope this book inspires others to share their stories.


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