Thursday, January 30, 2014


In an effort to raise awareness about hip dysplasia, 
Karen Farrish, Hip Mom & One Hip World's Parent/Child Advocate has created an online petition to appeal to the producers of shows such as 'Dr. Oz.' or 'The Doctors' to do a segment devoted to hip dysplasia!
This could be a HUGE step in raising awareness, showing the warning signs so that parents can know what to look for, as well as to give some insight to promote understanding for what it's like being treated for and living with hip dysplasia.
PLEASE, PLEASE take just a moment to click this link - it is an online petition, so ANYONE, ANYWHERE can sign!  After you've signed, please share the link via your social media pages to help us get as many signatures as possible !

Let your voice count and be heard !
Thank you so much !

Together we can.....together we will !!!!